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C# Cookbook: Modern Recipes for Professional Developers. 1st Ed. Joe Mayo (english)

C# Cookbook: Modern Recipes for Professional Developers. 1st Ed. Joe Mayo (english)

780 ₴

  • В наявності
+380 (96) 196-35-78
  • +380 (97) 060-75-89
C# Cookbook: Modern Recipes for Professional Developers. 1st Ed. Joe Mayo (english)
C# Cookbook: Modern Recipes for Professional Developers. 1st Ed. Joe Mayo (english)
780 ₴
В наявності
+380 (96) 196-35-78
  • +380 (97) 060-75-89
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Інформація для замовлення
Even if you're familiar with C# syntax, knowing how to combine various language features is a critical skill when you're building applications. This cookbook is packed full of recipes to help you solve issues for C# programming tasks you're likely to encounter. You'll learn tried-and-true techniques to help you achieve greater productivity and improve the quality of your code. Author and independent consultant Joe Mayo shares some of the most important practices you'll need to be successful as a C# developer. Each section of this cookbook describes some useful facet of the C# programming language. These recipes--the result of many years of experience--are proven concepts for solving real-world problems with C#. Recipes in this book will help you: Set up your project, manage object lifetime, and establish patterns Improve code quality through maintainability, error prevention, and correct syntax Use LINQ to Objects for in-memory data manipulation and querying Understand the differences between dynamic programming and reflection Apply several async programming features you may not be aware of Work with data using newer libraries and algorithms Learn different ways to use new C# features, such as pattern matching and records
Вид палітуркиМ'який
ТематикаМови та системи програмування
Мова виданняАнглійська
Тип поверхні паперуМатова
Тип поліграфічного паперуОфсетний
  • Ціна: 780 ₴

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