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English Grammar in Use + Essential Grammar in Use. Raymond Murphy. Комплект. Реймонд Мерфі

English Grammar in Use + Essential Grammar in Use. Raymond Murphy.  Комплект.  Реймонд Мерфі

450 ₴

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+380 (93) 966-47-74
  • +380 (97) 060-75-89
English Grammar in Use + Essential Grammar in Use. Raymond Murphy.  Комплект.  Реймонд Мерфі
English Grammar in Use + Essential Grammar in Use. Raymond Murphy. Комплект. Реймонд Мерфі
450 ₴
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+380 (93) 966-47-74
  • +380 (97) 060-75-89
Законом не передбачено повернення та обмін даного товару належної якості
Інформація для замовлення

Підручники граматики англійської мови:

1.частина (червона) Essential Grammar In Use. Raymond Murphy - містять завдання з відповідями, базовий рівень-65

2.частина (синя) English Grammar in Use. Raymond Murphy - містять завдання з відповідями, средній рівень-70


"Essential Grammar in Use" Raymond Murphy is a grammar reference and practice book for elementary learners. Modelled on Raymond Murphy s highly successful intermediate-level English Grammar in Use, its 107 units concentrate on the areas of grammar normally taught at elementary level.


  •  Easy-to-use layout: grammar explanations on left-hand pages with exercises to check understanding on facing pages.
  •  Reference grammar and practice exercises combined in a single volume.
  •  Thorough coverage of problems faced by elementary learners, explained in simple language with many examples and attractive illustrations.
  •  Material organised in grammatical categories (e.g. tenses, questions, articles etc.) but can be used in the order appropriate for learners.
  •  Can be used for self-study or as supplementary class material.
  •  Appendices dealing with irregular verbs, short forms, spelling and phrasal verbs.
  •  Clear contents list and index of grammatical items.
  •  Key section contains answers to all exercises.



This unique book "English Grammar in Use" for intermediate and more advanced students combines reference grammar and practice exercises in a single volume.


  •  Easy to use: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the facing page there are exercises to check understanding.
  •  Provides comprehensive coverage in simple language of the problems intermediate students encounter.
  •  Designed for self-study: learners choose and study those points which they find difficult.
  •  Contents list and detailed index ensure that users can easily find the unit(s) they need.
  •   Key section contains answers to all the exercises.
  •  Appendices deal with formation of tenses, irregular verbs, spelling, short forms and American English.
Вид палітуркиМ'який
Вивчення мовиАнглійська
Мова виданняАнглійська
Користувальницькі характеристики
АвторRaymond Murphy
ВидавництвоCambridge University Press
  • Ціна: 450 ₴

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