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Flow Architectures by James Urquhart

Flow Architectures by James Urquhart

480 ₴

  • В наявності
+380 (96) 196-35-78
  • +380 (97) 060-75-89
Flow Architectures by James Urquhart
Flow Architectures by James Urquhart
480 ₴
В наявності
+380 (96) 196-35-78
  • +380 (97) 060-75-89
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Інформація для замовлення

Software development today is embracing events and streaming data, which optimizes not only how technology interacts but also how businesses integrate with one another to meet customer needs. This phenomenon, called flow, consists of patterns and standards that determine which activity and related data is communicated between parties over the internet.

This book explores critical implications of that evolution: What happens when events and data streams help you discover new activity sources to enhance existing businesses or drive new markets? What technologies and architectural patterns can position your company for opportunities enabled by flow? James Urquhart, global field CTO at VMware, guides enterprise architects, software developers, and product managers through the process.

  • Learn the benefits of flow dynamics when businesses, governments, and other institutions integrate via events and data streams
  • Understand the value chain for flow integration through Wardley mapping visualization and promise theory modeling
  • Walk through basic concepts behind today's event-driven systems marketplace
  • Learn how today's integration patterns will influence the real-time events flow in the future
  • Explore why companies should architect and build software today to take advantage of flow in coming years
Мова виданняАнглійська
Вид палітуркиМ'який
Кількість сторінок228
Рік видання2021
Користувальницькі характеристики
АвторJames Urquhart
  • Ціна: 480 ₴

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